My Gherm'd up life


remembah when i FRACKIN' posted here?

apologies to the non-existent readers of this blog site, been busy with COOL PROJECTS!!!

i was actually planning on making an Um Jammer Lammy Gherm post on May as a little extra to celebrate the wonderful Lam-May 21st! but that never came because what the hell do i say that hasn't been already said? it's a cool game with cool music blah blah blah.

ANYWAYS! on this Gherm post, i wanted to do something a little different and just talk about what's been goin' on. i know this site is supposed to be about me talking about the things i like BUT i did put OTHER THINGS on the about section...

so what's been happening? how's my wonderful summer miracle going?

prettay uneventful, i got to bury my stupid little brother in the sand, which is funny.

i didn't get to do that much this summer, mainly because i was working on a very special video which you can WATCH BELOW!

if you have music on, you're gonna have to watch it on YouTube because i'm too lazy to code a mute button.
this took half a summer to make, and i do not regret wasting half of my summer just to make it. it came out AWESOME!!!! i love it so much, i can't believe i made that! part of being an artist is having the power to basically bring anything you want into existence. and now, i get to step back and admire the work i put on this beautiful earth...

also check out Picayune Dreams!!! i am beyond obsessed with this game!!!

working on this video made me realize how fun it is to work on big projects and it makes me wanna make MORE! but college is starting soon so i probably won't have any spare time for more cool big projects.

speaking of college


just stressed out, it's change! change is scary! it's baby's first steps into the real world because now i have to be an adult, which i don't feel like one, i feel like i'm still 14 but with a little common sense and some shame. future's scary, what the hell am i gonna do for money? have you SEEN what they do to artist out there?! THEY BLUDGEON AND MAIM THEM! i heard from a lot of artist that if you really wanna make a living making art then you REALLY have to fight for it which is a little daunting.

but being scared is dumb, i shouldn't let anxiety dictate on how i should live my life because that would make it BOOORING! so i'll try my best to put on a brave face and roll with whatever life throws at me. it all comes out in the wash after all.

unless i lose both my hands and every part of my body that can hold a pen, i'll probably still be drawing and doing what i love even if my life didn't turn out the way i wanted it to be.

and that's pretty much it, just a short little update and my thoughts about this next phase in my life. next post will come out whenever! too sluggish to have a set schedule for these but at least i'm not fully abandoning the site!

Music - Tomboyish Girl in Love by Emon